Food Philosophy 2.0 How does one survive in a nation obsessed by food? A society where FOOD is constantly there to knock you down. It takes a…
Experts & Nutritional Advice As a wellness consultant and owner of a fitness studio I am confronted daily with individuals trying to lose weight. It is an omnipresent…
The Stretching Obsession Everywhere one looks in exercise venues be that the gym, swimming pool, park, baseball field and even now the office, people are stretching. As…
What do you eat? As a wellness consultant I am often asked, “What do you eat to stay healthy?” The simple answer is real food. A more elaborate…
What does it mean to be “fit”? Fit defined Synonyms: appropriate, right, suitable, acceptable, adequate, apt, proper. Meanings: appropriate, healthy, ready, convulsion, install, measure, match. The overlapping word is appropriate. Appropriate:…
The Art of Zoning The other day while sitting on the bus heading to the metro station, I was struck by the fact that I was the only…
Health & Wellbeing Bench Team I know it’s the time of year for resolutions but personally I’m not a fan! However, I certainly appreciate the need for renewed inspiration.…
Step Away Wellbeing is a complicated word. It means a host of different elements to each and every person. One of my reasons for starting this…
How to make it stick? Having spent a lifetime in the health and fitness industry I’ve had the opportunity to see a wide range of participants. Regardless of age…
Only as old as your spine is flexible! “If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.” Joseph Pilates The…