What are you doing when no one is watching? “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.” Coach John Wooden We’re three and a half…
One Big Take-Away After a month in stay at home in California I find one huge take-away from the Covid-19 shutdown: Metabolic Health must be a priority…
Invest In Yourself Life as we know it changed in a flash. From hustling and bustling between work, home and in between, everything has come to a…
Get Strong What are you doing to get strong? Is it enough? Are you looking at it from both a nutritional as well as a…
New Year ~ Same You Every year we see some type of arrangement of the following three New Year’s resolutions. Exercise More Lose Weight Save Money As a nation…
2019 Highlights It’s been a crazy year and while it’s not quite over, November is a good time to review a few 2019 highlights and what…
Working Out & Weight Loss Having worked a lifetime in the health and fitness industry I’m still saddened every time when I hear the reason for working out is:…
Eat vs. Drink Living in an era where speed rules, we want the fastest internet, mail delivery, news outlets and on and on, nutrition is not any…
Five Favorite Fall Tips As we roll into the last quarter of the year it’s a great time to think about how you want to close out 2019.…
Food Pauses You know what’s fun? When you do something and then afterwards you realize, wow that wasn’t actually as hard as I thought it would…