The Art of Zoning The other day while sitting on the bus heading to the metro station, I was struck by the fact that I was the only…
Health & Wellbeing Bench Team I know it’s the time of year for resolutions but personally I’m not a fan! However, I certainly appreciate the need for renewed inspiration.…
Step Away Wellbeing is a complicated word. It means a host of different elements to each and every person. One of my reasons for starting this…
How to make it stick? Having spent a lifetime in the health and fitness industry I’ve had the opportunity to see a wide range of participants. Regardless of age…
Only as old as your spine is flexible! “If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.” Joseph Pilates The…
Play, Passion and Purpose With the passing of Steve Jobs last year, not only did the latest biography spawn conversations, but chatter continues on the topic of creativity…
Dear Mr. President Dear Mr. President, I take the liberty to write you a public letter concerning what I believe is a negative contributor to the health…
The Coach’s Daughter: A Father’s Day Tribute to Leadership What if? What if the number of active and engaged citizens determined the wealth of a nation? What if as a people, we celebrated…
Role Models not Super Models Recently, I attended a conference led by several well-established icons in the Pilates’ world. As a constant learner, I find it refreshing and energizing…
A Dancer’s Perspective: Sustainable Performance Part 2 Don’t get hurt! In my previous post I discussed staying warm, as a cornerstone of a dancer’s sustainability. Here I explore the…