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What is Health Coaching?
A health coach is your partner in lifestyle achievement and enhancement. Health coaches work side by side with you to guide your progress, enhance your knowledge and provide the tools to be successful in realizing your specific health goals. We work together to build habits, find nutritional solutions, develop mindset techniques, and support you throughout the journey. Health coaching is a collaborative process that adapts and evolves continually to keep in step with your needs and goals. A health coach is your champion, your teammate, and your resource to guide you successfully to the finish line.
Our Programs
Why would I need a health coach?
• Do you want to lose weight?
• Do you have excess fat around your waist?
• Do you have any characteristics of metabolic
• Is there family history of Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or other?
• Are you experiencing low energy and constant fatigue?
• Are you dealing with menopause or other hormonal issues?
• Are you unsatisfied with your current lifestyle choices?
• Would you like to make changes in your health status and need support?
• Would you just like to know more about the benefits of LCHF/Keto?
• Do you just need a guide to motivate, inspire and educate you in a new direction?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions health coaching is a good fit. Request a 30-minute consultation to find the right program for you.
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How we got started on this journey
After decades of work in the fitness industry Krisna Hanks and Robert Surenbroek saw first-hand the need to assist individuals in finding sustainable health choices outside of exercise. Nutrition can be overwhelmingly difficult to navigate in a hyper palatable, highly processed food nation such as the USA. Thus, they both dived into the research and studied profusely the metabolic effects of high sugar/high carbohydrate food consumption.
This journey began with the seminal work of Gary Taubes, Good Calories, Bad Calories which completely changed their thinking and led them to embrace the LCHF/Keto lifestyle. Krisna tells her story here, on dealing with chronic joint and inflammation issues, and how she healed those ailments with reducing carbohydrates and sugars and increasing animal fats.
Further InfoSquare 1 Health Coaching services are available virtually worldwide.
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